Young Adult Permission Slips
Dear Parents:
Since Centennial Elementary is a K-6 school, we have students of various ages, maturity, and reading levels. As a result, our library contains a wide range of books to meet all of those different needs. Some of the books are labeled as Young Adult books because they may have more mature content.
Please have your child get a permission slip from the library if you would like your them to have access to our Young Adult section. Please only return if you wish to opt in and allow your child to check out Young Adult literature. The computer will flag the Young Adult books during checkout and your child will not be able to check out these books without a permission slip on file at the library.
A word of caution—many of our younger students are excellent readers, but the YA fiction isn’t necessarily the answer to those great readers. Often we need to challenge them with a longer book at a lower level. Most young readers would rather read a book about someone their age rather than someone in high school or college. Many of our young readers are unable to understand the mature content of the YA book.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me to discuss this matter further. Thank you very much for all your support of the library—past, present, and future.
Mrs. Kolins
Centennial Library/Media Center Aide