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Student Typing Links

Grades K-2: MiniMouse.US: - This site has several games designed to help student become more comfortable with the mouse pad and/or mouse.

Grades K-2: - This game is designed to help student become more comfortable with the mouse pad and/or mouse.

Grades K-2: ABC Keyboarding Zoo 1 & 2 and - This site is for beginning typers.

Grades K-6: BBC Dance Mat Typing : -This site has five levels of play to introduce and familiarize the students with the basics of typing.

Grades K-6: Typing Club.Com:  - This site provides basic typing skill lessons and games for students.

Grades K-6: Learning Games for Kids.Com: (Typing) - This site contains a variety of games related to typing, and focus on home keys all the way up to writing paragraphs.

Grades K-6: E-Learning for - This site contains lesson on keyboarding to use of word, power point, and excel.